Invesco Oppenheimer Model Portfolios
are seven
unique asset allocation strategies developed by Douglas C.
Robinson that
seek to fit the distinct needs of different investor goals, risk
tolerance levels and investment time horizon. Each portfolio
contains up to 15 individual funds totaling over 3500
securities, managed by Invesco. The portfolios
are designed to create efficient diversification through the
selection of lower correlating asset classes.
Portfolio's are
rebalanced quarterly when there is a 5% deviation from target
investing in any of the Oppenheimer funds, investors should
carefully consider a fund's investment objectives, risks,
charges and expenses. The fund's prospectus contains this and
other information about the fund. Read
carefully before investing.
sample portfolios are not intended to represent investment
advice that is appropriate for all investors. Each investor's
portfolio must be constructed based on the individual's
financial resources, investment goals, risk tolerance, investing
time horizon, tax situation and other relevant factors. The
categorization of sample portfolios as "fixed income",
"capital preservation", "balanced income",
"balanced", "balanced growth",
"growth", and "aggressive growth" is
relative. Foreign investing has special risks, including
currency exchange fluctuations, foreign taxes and possible
delays in settlement.
Foreign securities involve additional risks, including foreign
currency changes, political risks, foreign taxes and different
methods of accounting and financial reporting.