RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC

Robinson Report On-Line  800-334-8140 Close 12/31/03





Fed Funds


Overnight Repo


1yr CMT 12/31 close 1.26

2yr CMT 12/31 close 1.84

Dow 10454  +25.32%ytd    NASDAQ 2003 +50.01%ytd    S&P 1112 +26.38%ytd 

The Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), an investment pool managed by the California State Treasurer's office, is made available to local governments and special districts of the State of California.  The most recent quarter-to-date rate is shown.  The yield curve represents U.S. Treasury Bill and Note rates at the close of market on date shown. The 4yr treasury is interpolated. Information contained herein is based on sources and data believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. Prices, yields, and availability are subject to change. Securities offered through Securities America, Inc. Member NASD/SIPC
RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC, Osaic Wealth, Inc. (formerly Securities America, Inc.), 27 Reed Boulevard, Mill Valley, CA 94941

(phone) 415-771-9421       (fax) 415-762-1980