RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC
  The Robinson Report           A quick and simple weekly market performance report.
Monday, February 12, 2007



Week in review:  

  • The MarketsDisappointing earnings reports and warnings from home mortgage companies took the U.S. equity markets lower, with investors fearing the greater fallout from the housing market decline has begun. The Dow lost 0.57 percent to close at 12,580.83. The S&P dropped 0.71 percent to end at 1,438.06, and the NASDAQ fell 0.65 percent to finish at 2,459.82. International equities continue to lead in performance, with small international companies up 4.19 percent this year/quarter.

  • Fed Results – Ninety-five percent of the votes cast by the individual members of the Federal Open Market Committee during Fed meetings from Ben Bernanke’s first year in office have followed the chairman’s interest rate recommendations, i.e., there have been only four dissenting votes out of the 86 total votes that were cast. All four opposing votes were cast by Jeff Lacker, president of the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank (Source: Federal Reserve).

  • Rising Costs Inflation has gone up 115 percent over the past 25 years (1982-2006), an average of 3.1 percent per year. Thus, an item costing $1 on Dec. 31, 1981, would cost $2.15 on Dec. 31, 2006. An individual living on a fixed income over this 25-year period would have only 47 percent of the purchasing power today that he/she had in 1982 (Source: DOL).

  • Small Has Been Better The stock bull market that began in October 2002 and is ongoing today has produced higher returns for small-caps than for large-caps. The 100 percent return for large-caps (using the S&P 500 as the benchmark) has trailed the 160 percent gain of small-cap stocks (using the Russell 2000 as the benchmark). Both numbers are total return performance results (Source: BTN Research, Russell).

  • Tax Trivia The top marginal federal tax bracket for individuals in the U.S. in 1944 was 94 percent, levied on taxable income amounts of $200,000 or more. The top marginal tax bracket in 2007 is 35 percent, levied on taxable income amounts of $349,700 on either a single or joint tax return (Source: IRS).

ASSET CLASS RETURNS (see disclosures below)  


Portfolio Performance REVIEW (see disclosures below)  




"Resolve and thou art free." --Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


% change in week ending 02/09/07



US Lg Val (Russell 1000 Value)


US Sm (Russell 2000)


Intl (EAFE)


Intl Sm (EAFE Small)


3-5yr Govt (Bloomberg)






% change

Bloomberg Silicon Valley Index

Last 12 months




Last 5 sessions




% change

Global Hedge Fund Index  (02/07/07)

Last 12 months




Last 5 days




RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC
27 Reed Blvd, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Tel: 1.415.771.9421
Fax: 415.762.1980

Weekly Market Review by OppenheimerFunds

Oppenheimer shareholder log-in



























Portfolio Performance is calculated by the Bloomberg Professional System on a total return basis. Current portfolio allocations


Important Performance Disclosure Information

Asset Class returns are represented by market indexes that are unmanaged baskets of securities. Investors cannot directly invest in market indexes. Foreign securities involve additional risks, including foreign currency changes, political risks, foreign taxes and different methods of accounting and financial reporting.

Portfolio Performance is the total return of seven unique asset allocation strategies that seek to fit the distinct needs of different investor goals, risk tolerance levels and investment time horizon. Each portfolio contains up to 16 individual funds totaling over 4000 securities, managed by OppenheimerFunds. The portfolios are designed to create efficient diversification through the selection of mutual funds that may have a  low correlation between asset classes. The purpose of these tables and charts is for you to follow specific market indexes, observe asset class rotation and to compare actual portfolio returns net of management fees. Asset allocation strategy is available here.   

Performance quoted is past performance and cannot guarantee comparable future results. Performance figures reflect reinvestment of distributions and changes in net asset value (NAV). Investment return and principal value will vary so that you may have a gain or loss when you sell shares. The contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Class C is 1%. No CDSC will be imposed on redemptions of Class C shares following one year from date shares were purchased. Performance shown does not include applicable CDSC, which would have reduced performance.


Before investing in any of the OppenheimerFunds, investors should carefully consider a fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. The fund's prospectus contains this and other information about the fund. Read prospectuses carefully before investing.      

S&P 500 - Standard & Poor's 500 Index (not including dividends) - generally considered a U.S. Large Growth company market index.

Russell 1000 Value Index (US Lg Val) - generally considered a U.S. Large Value company market index.

Russell 2000 Index (US Sm)- generally considered a U.S. Small company market index.

EAFE - EAFE Index (Intl) (not including dividends) Europe, Australia, Far East and generally considered a large company international market index.

EAFE Sm - EAFE Small Index (Intl Sm) (not including dividends) Europe, Australia, Far East and generally considered a small company international market index.

Bloomberg Silicon Valley Index - market index of high tech companies located in the Silicon Valley area. 
Global Hedge Fund Index - representative of the overall composition of the hedge fund universe. It is comprised of eight strategies: 
convertible arbitrage, merger arbitrage, equity hedge, equity market neutral, relative value arbitrage, event driven, distressed securities, and macro. The strategies are asset weighted based on the distribution of assets in the hedge fund industry. See hedge fund risks. 

3-5yr Treas. - Bloomberg U.S. Government Treasuries 3-5 year maturities index and generally considered a intermediate maturity U.S. Government Note index.

Asset Class - a group of investments that share similar risk and return characteristics.

All investments involve risk, including loss of principal. Foreign securities involve additional risks, including foreign currency changes, political changes, foreign taxes, and different methods of accounting and financial reporting. The foregoing has been prepared solely for informational purposes, and is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to participate in any particular trading strategy.  

The information contained herein is based on sources and data believed reliable, but is not guaranteed. Advisory services offered through RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC, SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Douglas C. Robinson, Registered Representative. RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC and Securities America, Inc. are separate and unaffiliated.

RCM Robinson Capital Management LLC, Osaic Wealth, Inc. (formerly Securities America, Inc.), 27 Reed Boulevard, Mill Valley, CA 94941

(phone) 415-771-9421       (fax) 415-762-1980